Action: Create Your Email Promotion Using the Push Button Email Software!

This section is broken down into 2 simple steps:

1) Sign up for your free Push Button Email Software trial.

2) Sign up for your free Push Button Format Software Trial.

The goal is to use the Push Button Email Software to create your email promotions, then use the free HTML email templates from your Push Button Format account to jazz up your promo letters before you send 'em through your autoresponder.


Create Your Email Promotion

Follow My 7-Step Formula For Emails That Convert

Earlier on the Website Promotion icon I talked about setting up a 100% commission offer to build your list. And also about setting up squeeze or email capture pages using Optimize Press or Profits Theme.

Once you have people coming onto your list, it's time to MAKE some sales and money. The way you do that is by sending out OFFERS to your list that bring in sales.

Here's how to do that.

The idea is simple. You get people onto your email list and then you send them special offers via email. Here's a formula that will do VERY well for you when you use it. I call it the "Little Gusher."

Micro Problem-Solving Bonus + Story + Why Promoting + Deadline + Promo Page + URL + Emails

The idea is you’re going to offer the people on your list a special BONUS in exchange for buying through your affiliate link IF they act before the deadline and submit their purchase receipt to you.

You want to have a STORY that explains WHY you created the bonus, which usually amounts to a problem you had that is a very specific, very targeted problem.

Connie Green is a MASTER of this.  Connie sold a big ticket and put together a whole bonus package SO compelling that people who had ALREADY bought the big ticket bought it AGAIN from her just to get the BONUS.

That’s what I call the Big Gusher Formula.  Instead of having a Micro Problem-Solving Bonus you have a whole Bonus Package, something that would cause people to buy JUST to get the bonus package.  Obviously a lot more work is involved in that so you only use it for high ticket or big ticket products.

Let me break that down.

Element One:  Micro problem-solving bonus

I call it a “micro problem-solving bonus” BECAUSE you want to choose a very specific problem you can solve.  You aren’t trying to create a huge info product here.

You want to select ONE specific problem your target audience has and you know they have.  And you want to provide a SOLUTION for that very specific problem.

It’s hard to be an expert on everything related to a topic. But about ANYONE can take one very specific problem people are having, research it online and come up with a quick-and-dirty solution you can turn into a 3-page, 5-page or 10-page report or a 10-minute screen capture video.

Yes, YOU can do this.  I’ll show you how in this report.

For example, let’s say you were selling my Push Button Letters product.  IT’s a fill-in-the-blanks software program that helps you write your own sales letter.

Here are a few ideas for bonuses you could offer:

*  Video showing YOU personally walking through the product creating your own sales letter.
*  33 tested, proven headlines you can plug into the software right away.
*  Examples of 3 sales letters you created using the product
* 22 tips on using the software.
*  How to spruce up the final sales page and load it up into Wordpress
If you were selling to people who sell to a specific niche or industry, you could create a bonus targeted at them.  So, for example, let’s say your niche was helping people who sell dog-training products to sell better.

You could create a bonus called- “How I used the Push Button Letters software to write a sales letter that worked for my dog training products and you can too.”
I’ve always felt the BEST bonuses are highly personal based on your own experience.  However, the bonus does NOT HAVE to be related to the product.  This is nice but it’s a common MYTH to think that it does.

Many years ago I bought a set of motivational tapes from Mark Victor Hansen when he was just getting started.  His delivery at the time was NOT good.  But he shared his OWN personal experience  in setting and trying to achieve over 100 goals.

Tons of people talked about goal setting and still do. But Mark shared his own personal experience in goal setting. 

How To Mix ‘N Match Different Bonus Idea Formula

Here’s the thing:  You are NOT limited ONLY to a micro problem-solving bonus.
In your BONUS ideas you can mix ‘n match your bonus idea formulas.

a. The missing gap bonus
For example, one bonus can be a GAP product, something that covers a topic MISSING from the topic or that would definitely ADD TO the performance you get from the product.

b. The case study bonus
Another bonus could be a CASE STUDY of how you used an idea you got from the product.  People LOVE case studies.  I’ve always felt one of the best ways to promote affiliate products is to take the things you actually USE and benefit from and create affiliate promotions from your actual experience using the product.

c. Video how to bonus
Another bonus could be a VIDEO that shows step-by-step how to do something in the product that maybe wasn’t explained as thoroughly as it could have been.

d. The make it faster, simpler, or easier bonus
If you can take one or more methods in the product and make that thing faster, simpler or easier to do, you have a killer bonus idea.

Can you save people a lot of time doing something in the product?  If you have a timer sever, that’s important and can be a great bonus.

Element Two:  Your Story: YOU are the U in the word Unique

You may say, What do I have that people want? How can I create a bonus?”
The answer is one word:  YOU

Your experience in solving some problem.  No one else has this or can share it. Why?  Because it’s YOUR experience.  This makes it real.

I’d rather read 3 pages about goal setting or ANY topic by someone who shares their own experience with solving a problem than 100-pages of theory by someone who never tried to actually solve that problem in the real world.

This is where the concept of MICRO PROBLEM SOLVING bonus comes in.  It’s not just any bonus.  You aren’t trying to solve ALL problems related to the product.  You aren’t trying to tackle huge or big problems in the Little Gusher.  In the Big Gusher you might do that.
But NOT in the Little Gusher.

In the Little Gusher all you wanna do is find ONE very specific, very targeted problem people have that you can solve. 

A problem is created by a GAP between where people ARE currently and where they WANT to be.  So the problem can be ANYTHING where there is a GAP between where the person is NOW and where they WANT to be.

If you can help them cross that gap, then you have a winning problem-solving bonus.  It might only be 1-page, 3- pages or 5-pages.  The length is irrelevant. It’s all about “Did you solve the micro-problem for them?”

Now, normally in this micro-problem-solving product, you’re sharing your OWN personal experience, so you’re telling some stories.  This alone probably takes up a few pages.
If it’s appropriate, you might add screen caps or photos. 

I bought one report for money where the author told a bit of their background and included some relevant photos. This bonded me with the author and made me feel like I knew him on a more personal level.


You know how when you watch a sporting event, they’ll zero in on ONE PERSON and tell their story?

You can do this in your report.  Don’t be afraid to tell your story.

If you’re showing people HOW to do something, you can include screen caps or links to videos.  Sometimes a Little Gusher bonus is a video by itself.

A good 10-minute problem solving can be of great value if you solve the right problem.
I’ll give you an example:  I had a PROBLEM on ONE TOOTH where every time I ate, food got stuck in it.  And there was only ONE TOOL at the store I could buy that would allow me to get that stuck food out.

Boy, I would have REALLY been in pain without that tool.

Then fortunately, I went to the dentist and she was able to fix it so the food didn’t get stuck!  That was one of the happiest days of my life. Because if I ate out and didn’t bring my tool with me, oh boy. 


This was a Micro problem.  One tooth. And food getting stuck JUST in that one tooth. But man, that little problem caused me a lot of effort and pain until I got it fixed.

One time I paid $500 for 1 sheet of paper that explained how the top marketer in California in an info product industry got all their new customers using a dirt-cheap advertising method.
It only took 1 sheet of paper to explain it.

The Secret Key To Finding Awesome Bonus Ideas
In 5 Minutes Or Less

Pick a small, highly targeted GAP or problem you can solve for people.  If you don’t know HOW to solve a problem, you can just read through 2 or 3 forums in your industry. 

This is the SECRET KEY to finding all kinds of KILLER bonus ideas.  Just read through forums. Pay special attention to RECENT POSTS with HIGH VIEW counts or responses.
Here’s an example from, a site I like to go to sometimes to find out what’s up in the world of backlinking.

Element Three:  The Email

The next element is the email you send out to get people to go FROM the email TO your Promo Page on your blog, Facebook Fan Page, Hub Page, Squidoo Lens – or wherever.
For this I draw from something my friend JFlad (Jason Fladlien) or Flads for short told me:
He won a VERY PRESTIGIOUS affiliate contest and beat out many of the biggest names in the industry to win a juicy first-placed prize.

One of his big SECRETS was that in his email he told the STORY of WHY he promoted the product.

He also won my contest for the launch of Traffic Dashboard and his email was a textbook example of HOW to do this:

My Super Duper affiliate and friend Connie Green uses the same formula albeit a bit differently.

Connie tells stories but usually shorter, although not always.  What I LOVE about Connie’s emails is she doesn’t “push links.”

A lot of affiliates are LINK PUSHERS, as though I don’t get ENOUGH links in my email and am just begging for someone to send me ANOTHER link.

I don’t have a scarcity of emails with LINKS in ‘em.  I doubt anyone does.  The world doesn’t need anymore link pushers.

Links = no value
Value = Story and experience
I want you to tell me the STORY behind either the PRODUCT and why you decided to promote it and what the bonus is or something highly personal like Connie does.

Jasson’s Formula goes like this:  Story of WHY you’re promoting the product and a teaser about your BONUS or bonus package.

One of the BEST formulas I’ve ever seen for writing emails like this is by Andre Chaperon.

Element Four:  Promo Page

It isn’t enough to come up with a great bonus idea.

If all you do is explain that bonus in an email, it probably won’t hit with enough impact.  It could.  But what I see affiliates do that is far more impactful is they create a special BONUS PAGE where they:

1. Present the problem the bonus solves
2. Tell the story behind your own experience with trying to solve the problem
3. Explain HOW you came up with the solution
4.  Tells the BENEFITS of the information in the bonus
5. Explains HOW to claim the bonus
6. Makes a call-to-action for them to click the affiliate link and buy the product
7.  Sometimes there is a video walking through buying the product and showing what the download page looks like.  That’s what I call….My 7-step FORMULA for your Promo Page

You send out an email.  You tell a little of the story about the PROBLEM your Micro-Bonus solves. Then you send them to a blog post or web page to read more.

This page is what we’ll call the Promo Page.  The purpose of the Promo Page is NOT to sell the product you want them to buy.

You want to tell people WHY you're offering the bonus and what the DEADLINE is. You always want to have a deadline to get the bonus. Finally, you want to send multiple emails for your special offer.

Sign Up For Your Free Push Button Email Software Trial

Sign up for your free trial of the Push Button Email Software that helps you write email promotion to your customers.


If you're already familiar with activating your trials, just return to the MAIN MEMBERS area and choose "TRIAL: PUSH BUTTON EMAIL SOFTWARE" from the drop down menu on the right hand side of the page.

---> Click here to set up your 30 day free trial.

All you do is fill in the blanks, click a button, and you get a great-looking text or rich HTML email letter that you can use to send to your subscribers, customers, affiliates, Joint Venture partners and ezine advertising. If you have ANY type of mailing list you can use the Push Button Email software to craft great looking email letters.

To create a response driven email all you do is login to the software then select the type of letter you want to create, like this:

You get your choice of 9 proven template formulas to start with. From these you can create virtually unlimited different types of email.

Once you've made your selection you move to the next screen where you start to enter your data into the blue form fields, just like this:

Each email starts with your opening, like "Dear Friend" or "Dear Customer". The built in drop down menu contains variables for most of the top autoresponders so you just select the opening you want then click to apply it.

Once you work your way through the form fields just enter your closing salutation by typing your name then choose the closer and click to create the letter.

The data you enter into these screens is automatically merged into one finely polished text or HTML email for you on the next page.

Sign Up For Your Free Push Button Format Software Trial

You also get a 30 day free trial to the Push Button Format software.

Activate your 30 day Free Trial ---> Click Here Now

As a bonus with this trial you get new HTML templates you can use for your emails, newsletters and stick letters, plus the "Hot Sheet" on sending HTML email, and the beginning of a 14 week course on writing email letters that get people to buy.

Every 30 days for as long as you own the software you'll get a new HTML template