Action: Use Top Notch Graphic Design For Your Web Site.

We recommend the Push Button Letters Software for this if you have no design experience.

Just fill in the blanks, click a button and out pops your complete sales letter including full graphic design and images.

Graphic Design

Action: Get top notch graphic design for your web site

Graphic design DOES make a difference.

Poor quality or slow-loading graphics decrease response. With the proliferation of cable, you're seeing much more elaborate graphics. So the load time is LESS of an issue than it was in the past. Still, in talking to my customers I find out many are still on less-than-desirable Internet service.

You can do your own split tests. (Split testing is covered in another step.)  But when I have seen tests that claim no graphics site design out-pulled design with graphics, it was because the graphics served no purpose or were slow loading.

Your graphic design should draw attention to the headline of your sales letter and reinforce or dramatize your benefits. Graphic design for the sake of looking flashy or slick is a waste.  You must have a purpose to your design.

Most people should not attempt to do their own graphics.

Here are your steps:

Check out the Push Button Letters Software

If you're on a low budget, you can produce a very nice page using our Push Button Letters software.

You can design a nice looking site just using the program.

If you can afford it, find a top notch designer

As soon as you can afford it, use a top notch graphic designer.

Top notch graphic design does NOT have to cost you a fortune.  Here are several designers who have produced good work for people I know.  I gave thesse designers out in row 1 but I'll repeat them here for your convenience.

Contact the designers for quotes on your project.  Tell'em Marlon sent you. And remember to always follow sound practices when dealing with any vendor and conduct your own due diligence. 

If you find a talented, reasonably priced designer, treat them well. They're hard to find.

If you're really on a slim budget, you can find designers on for 5 bucks.

Drop the url's of web sites you like into EZ Noter

Every time you run across a web site you like, copy and paste the URL into a folder in EZ Noter.  Call it "design ideas" or something like that.  Then, when you hire a graphic designer, you have samples of good web sites to show them.

It doesn't matter what system you use. But get some system together where you save the URL when you run across good designers. A LOT of sites will have the designer listed at the bottom of the web page.

Study how top sites incorporate audio and video

In the old days, text sales letters ruled the world. But the reality today is that many people have gone to video sales letters and found that they increase conversions. The Optimize Press software makes it EASY to set up very good looking video based pages in Wordpress.

In addition to that, Amazon Aws video hosting makes it very cheap to have video on your website compared to the old days.

Finally, you have really nifty software like Easy Video Player (affiliate link) that makes it simple to add video to any of your sites or to create really good looking stand alone video pages.

The good news about video sales letters is it seems to work well just having plain text on Power Point slides and read them as you capture the video using Camtasia, Camstudio or Screenflow for the Mac.

Avoid using more than a splash of hot colors

Beginners often choose fluorescent colors, hot pinks, hot greens, bright reds and so forth.  You have to be a talented designer to pull this off.  For the most part, stick with subdued colors.

Do NOT include a lot of links on your sales page

The studies I have personally conducted and the tests I have seen published reveal that the more links you put on your page that lead people to other pages or other sites, the fewer sales you'll make.

Your site should consist of:

a.  Your sales letter

b.  Your order link

c.  Your affiliate signup link

d.  Your support desk link

e.  Maybe a testimonials link

f.  Your privacy policy link at the bottom

g.  A legal link at the bottom if necessary.

h.  Your opt-in box to get subscribers on your email list

i.  Your exit pop where you promote your other products

For an example of how I do this on my sites, go to

How and Why The New Breed of Wordpress Themes Open Up a Whole New World of Possibilities

You do NOT have to buy Optimize Press. It's one of many tools that can help you create nice-looking sales pages, squeeze pages and membership sites.

Another tool you can use that is also a Wordpress Theme is called Profits Theme.

What most people LOVE about these Wordpress themes is you can create very nice looking sales pages, squeeze pages (email capture pages) and membership pages in no time flat and with precious little graphic design ability.

If you need a HEADER designed for your theme, you can get one done for 5 bucks on

I've been very impressed with the look and quality of sites that I see created in both Optimize Press and Profits Theme.

Literally in one evening you can put up a very nice looking set of pages that you use to deliver an info product or fixed term membership site (sometimes called Micro Continuity).

For example, you set up 12 pages, one for each month. You drop 3 videos that are 5-20 minutes long each on each of the 12 pages. Now you have a $10 a month "micro-continuity" membership site that is fixed term ready to go.

It's fixed term because it's only 12 months long. But get this. Let's say you run out of either time or content and only get 5 pages up.

Now you have a 5 month micro continuity site!

In other words, you no longer have to even pay for expensive graphic design. Using Optimize Press, Profits Theme and a 5 buck header graphic from, you can be rocking and rolling.

It's a whole new world of content creation and delivery, faster and more profitable than ever before.